- We publish a paper on Bioresours. Biotechnol.[12-05]
- Prof. Yingang Feng and Dr. Yifei Li attended the 17th National Magnetic R...[10-29]
- Prof. Qiu Cui and Dr. Xiaojin Song attended the 6th China Summit Forum on...[10-23]
- We publish a paper on Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol.[07-30]
- Prof. Cui gave a report on Sino-German Symposium on Metabolic Engineering...[06-14]
- We publish a paper about the expression and homology modeling of two type...[05-18]
- We publish a paper "Resonance assignments of cohesin and dockerin domains...[03-24]
- Our progress in the genetic manipulation of Clostridium cellulolyticum ...[03-15]
- Prof. Edward A. Bayer visits QIBEBT and Metabolomics Group[11-02]
- Prof. Cui gives a keynote report in 14th BCEIA[10-15]
- Prof. John L. Markley visits QIBEBT and Metabolomics Group[10-10]
- Prof. Y.-H. Percival Zhang visits QIBEBT and Metabolomics Group[09-05]