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We publish a paper on Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol.

[2012.7.30] We publish a paper "Efficiency and Stability Enhancement of Cis-epoxysuccinic Acid Hydrolase by Fusion with a Carbohydrate Binding Module and Immobilization onto Cellulose" onAppl. Biochem. Biotechnol.

Carbohydrate-binding modules (CBMs) are widespread noncatalytic components of various polysaccharide-degrading enzymes that can recognize various types of carbohydrate. Utilizing their specific affinities to polysaccharides, CBMs have been applied to diverse fields of biotechnology, such as bioprocessing, immobilization, bioremediation, and diagnostics. However, it has been reported that CBM fusion may have either positive or negative effects on the stabilities of different enzymes. Therefore, fusion with CBMs can have different effects on different enzymes and the effects can also vary with different CBMs because of their divergent structures and properties. In this paper, we compared the effects of five different CBMs on the activity and stability ofcis-epoxysuccinic acid hydrolase (CESH), and found CBM30 is the best fusion partner for CESH for improving both its enzymatic efficiency and stability.

The first author Shan Wang is a Master Degree candidate student. Prof. Qiu Cui and Prof. Yingang Feng are the corresponding authors. This work is supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (973-project, grant no. 2011CB707404), the One Hundred Talented People Program (KSCX2-YW-G-066) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 30970050).


Shan Wang, Gu-Zhen Cui, Xiang-Fei Song, Yingang Feng* and Qiu Cui* (2012) Efficiency and stability enhancement ofcis-epoxysuccinic acid hydrolase by fusion with a carbohydrate binding module and immobilization onto cellulose.Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol.168, 708-717. [Full text (Publisher website)]

Qingdao Institute of BioEnergy and Bioprocess Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences