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Our DHA production project is awarded the Second Class Prize of Scientific and Technology Progress of Shandong Province

[2016.1.22] The DHA production project developted by our group and Qingdao Langyatai Co. Ltd is awarded the Second Class Prize of Scientific and Technology Progress of Shandong Province. This is the first prize to QIBEBT by provincal/ministry goverment.

The project is accomplished by Qingdao Langyatai Co. Ltd and QIBEBET, and the team for the accomplishment include Qiu Cui, Yueming Li, Xiaojin Song, Jianchun Xu, Xia Li, Yingang Feng, Xiuluan Xia, Yanzhen Tan, Mang Gao.

[News in QIBEBt website(Chinese)]

Qingdao Institute of BioEnergy and Bioprocess Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences